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March 04, 2009


Debrevis de la Fontes

Zach Snyder has vision. They gave him an eye test and everything.


Well, not for the first time, we've been thinking some similar thoughts. I was just reading Miracleman for the first time ever over the last few days, while noticing all the Watchman hype, and I thought "Hmm, Miracleman is better and smarter than Watchmen... and so is some of Moore's other work."

I don't think Miracleman is MY favourite ever. Sometimes Moore's prose is just too gushingly self-indulgent, and some of his big, clever ideas seem a little hokey or threadbare. I guess that's the problem with a mere human trying to write with the intelligence and worldview of a god. Still, it's powerful, original stuff, some of his best work ever. And reading it I came across many things that later writers have since ripped off or elaborated on. (Which I HAD thought was original to them...)

Top Ten was the comic I had the most fun reading last year... which is what my 'best of' blog post is going to say... when I get around to finishing it.

I certainly agree with your other selections - except for From Hell and A Small Killing which I really must get around to reading...


PS: One tiny detail that irritated me about Miracleman was the line about an alien liking the "Eskimo" language because it had "all those words for snow." Of course there's no one Inuit language, and they don't have any more words for snow than English does - maybe less, depending on how you count "words."

Maybe it was realizing that I knew more about something than the "super-intelligent" narrator did which kicked me back out of my absorption in the story. And there were a few other things like that, where I'd think "Heck, I could do a better job of godhood than this guy."


Watchmen isn't my favorite work by Alan Moore, but I think it's the one most deserving of the label literature... with everything good AND bad that implies.

"Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow" is probably my favorite.

Gabriel Mckee

Elliot: I think a lot of my love for Miracleman comes from my idiosyncratic reading order: I had read a couple of the early Moore issues, and then stumbled across the Gaiman ones. I hadn't seen a single issue of the Olympus storyline, but Gaiman's issues treat it as a mythical event, a genesis narrative for their society... which is pretty darned cool. I can certainly accept that those issues may have built up Olympus a bit... but when I was finally able to read it, I was hardly disappointed. Also, I LOVE John Totleben. A lot. Way more than I love Dave Gibbons.

Erin: Really? Even more deserving than From Hell? (I mean, not that I am a big fan of labelling one thing as against another "literature." Heck, I'd call D.R. and Quinch "literature.")


You got me: I've never actually read From Hell. Keep meaning to get around to it, though.

But, of the comics I have read, Watchmen is the one that most felt like literature. That's not limited to Moore's work: that's including every comic I've ever read.

Now, to be clear, this isn't the same as saying it's the BEST comic I've ever read: I have a much harder time settling on any kind of metric to make that sort of distinction.

But, when I got to the end of Watchmen, I said: "That felt like reading a work of literature."

Considering that this places it in the same company as Moby Dick and The Grapes of Wrath, I'll leave it up to others to decide whether this is in fact a compliment.


Imagine if two visionary directors like Paul W.S. Anderson and Zack Snyder got together to make a film. It would be teh awesome.

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