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February 25, 2009


Edward T. Babinski

Hi Gabriel,
Even the skeptic and ex-Christian Martin Gardner loved PJF. See Gardner's book, The Whys of a Philosophical Scrivener where he mentions PJF's view of an eternal soul in a positive fashion. Gardner was an unusual skeptic in that he believed in God and prayer by not psychic phenomena nor Christianity. He was also simultaneously a fan of both Chesterton and H.G. Wells. I say "was" but Gardner last I heard was still kicking and living out west. Interesting fellow. His book, The Whys of a Philosophical Scrivener was replied to by Raymond Smullyan's book, Who Knows?: A Study of Religious Consciousness. Both books make great reading.

PJF by the way also wrote some really weird sex-sci fi.

Edward T. Babinski

Also, do you read much James Morrow? I really have enjoyed some of his novels and short stories.

David Ellis

Even the skeptic and ex-Christian Martin Gardner loved PJF.

I wouldn't think that was surprising. Its my understanding that farmer was basically a skeptic himself---though one with a fascination with religion and mysticism (probably one of the reasons I like him, that fairly accuratedly describes me as well).

JESUS ON MARS is a book near the top of my "to buy" list. I'm looking forward to reading it.

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